Concrete Restoration



Concrete Restoration

Concrete restoration based on cement and fine aggregates, composed of polypropylene fibers and copolymer resins is formulated and produced which can be easily used after mixing with water. This product has a high adhesion to a variety of concrete and cement surfaces and has long resistance and durability.

Concrete Restoration
Concrete Restoration


  • Thermal expansion coefficient equal to cement and concrete surfaces
  • Has good elasticity and elasticity
  • Ability to achieve premature mechanical resistance


  • Ability to repair and repair the interior and exterior surfaces of the building
  • Ability to leveling and repairing porous surfaces
  • Possibility to implement a complete coating layer on the concrete surface to create a beautiful surface and exposis

Technical specification table : 

physical state powder
Color Gray
Special Weight  1/5±%5 gr/cm3
Standard  ASTM C1583 – BS EN 12636
Chlorine ion does not have
Ability to liquidate in the water



20kg bag


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