Surface siloxane sealant (Solvent base)



Surface siloxane sealant (Solvent base)

The facade protector is formulated and produced based on silicone resins and reinforced with nano technology. Facade protector based on solvent-based silane siloxane can be applied on all types of concrete, brick, plaster, cement, etc. surfaces.

Surface siloxane sealant (Solvent base)
Surface siloxane sealant (Solvent base)

properties and effects

  • Ability to penetrate old and new levels
  • High durability against destructive chemical agents and chlorine ions
  • The ability to make the surface anti-dust and anti-soot


  • Waterproofing all concrete, plaster, brick and stone surfaces and…
  • Ability to make plaster panels waterproof
  • Suitable for waterproofing Ardoaz and Iranit roofs

Technical specification table : 

state of liquid
Color Colorless
Special Weight  1/02 gr/cm3
Standard ASTM D5095
ASTM D6489
Chlorine ion does not have
Ability to liquidate in the water
PH About 7



4 liter gallon
20 liter gallon


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